The Zen Hussies – ‘Troubled Feet’ [Review]
From the likes of Lunatrix to Caravan Palace’s Parisian electro-swing and Falsense’s poky gypsy-prog intricacy, gypsy jazz has become a real infatuation here at TMMP. My earliest jazz manouche memory is of Mattias IA Eklundh’s cover of Django Reinhardt’s Minor Swing – and my most recent obsession is this album: Troubled Feet, as performed by Bristol’s very own Zen Hussies.
There are many things I love about Troubled Feet – the passion, the playfulness, the way each instrument sways and dances with the others – and I could go on and on analysing every last standout detail present on this album. In the interest of brevity, however, I’ll offer a few of my favourite highlights instead:
Angelina Tout has one of my favourite intros ever – upbeat and bouncy, this track makes me as instantly happy as anything by Jamiroquai. Perfect wakeup music best accompanied by a warm breakfast and plenty of tea.
Not In The Mood – another great intro, followed up with an immediately memorable vocal hook. Insistent instrumentation pushes below a tired and world-weary vocal. Male/female duetting and downbeat spice.
Catfood – eight out of ten?!
Dangerfield – a spy show theme given a unique Zen Hussies twist. Appropriately camp brilliance.
One Of Those Girls – When I was in Paris, I was disappointed by the amount of commercial British / American pop playing everywhere from shops to Metro stations. The next time I go, I’ll stick my earbuds in and listen to this track instead. One of the deepest grooves on Troubled Feet and elegantly bilingual lyrics blend together to form my absolute favourite track here. Each time One Of Those Girls finishes, I have to restrain myself from clapping, in case I look mental.
Listen out for all of the above and pick your own key moments by streaming Troubled Feet below:
Buy the whole thing here:
Zen Hussies on Facebook:
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