Luciana – ‘All Of Me’ [Review]

Without Luciana Caporaso, The Musical Melting Pot would probably never have existed. Until my early twenties, I struggled to come to grips with the fact that my significant others were rarely into the endlessly intricate prog-metal I loved so dearly. I suffered through many nights soundtracked by mind-numbingly rubbish trance and dance mix CDs, all in the name of love, until the day I discovered this track. Overnight, it changed everything. It was the quickest acquired taste I’ve ever experienced, and it converted me almost instantly into an electronic music lover. Finally, I had a secret weapon in the musical battle between the sexes.

Since my ears were properly opened for the first time, a whole universe of music has flooded in – and continues to, in the form of my email inbox and recommendations from some legendary music-loving friends. But it all started there. So as you may have guessed, this review is a little bit biased. Oh well.

The most striking thing about All Of Me is the way it breaks away from the dirty electro stylings for which Luciana is best known, instead skimming close to the territory occupied by her previous work with PortobellaFrom London With Love gets stuck into a full-on Eighties’ new-wave groove; Emily contains shades of mid-2000s alt-pop; Really Want To Know Me is a guaranteed Brighton-club hit; and title track All Of Me overflows with nostalgic yearning. I’m definitely not in Shopping‘s target market, but it’s still a fun slice of girl-pop; One Heart starts off sounding like a Police pastiche before Luciana quickly adds her trademark vocal, turning the whole song into something new; My Sex works equally well in the car and the bedroom; and closer All Good gets a gritty guitar treatment and some happy-go-lucky handclaps to top off a fun and entertaining set.

All Of Me is the sound of a well-respected songwriter allowing herself to explore a personal passion, and have fun doing it. Luciana’s lack of self-consciousness is one of the most appealing aspects of her music, and these songs benefit all the more for it. For Luciana fans eager to snap up something akin to her early work with Portobella, this is the perfect choice.


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Posted on 28 January 2014

3 responses to “Luciana – ‘All Of Me’ [Review]”

  1. georgie says:

    Was it a hard copy album you got of this? I’ve been waiting for All Of Me (song) and her other solo stuff to be available for years. I clicked this post and see something should exist, but I can’t find anything on the internet and all the solo stuff seems to be off her soundcloud. Any ideas where to get hold of these would be much appreciated. Thanks

    • Hey Georgie,

      As far as I can remember, I used Soundcloud to review this. I don’t think hard copies are available, though I’m sure it’s for a good (and probably legal-issue-related) reason.

      Sorry I can’t be more help than that :)

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