Natalie Ross – ‘The Thrill Of It All’ [Review]
We all know what it’s like to see an awesome live set, forget to check out the act’s recordings after the show, and rediscover them somewhere down the line. You know what comes next: You wind up kicking yourself, all the while berating your brain cells for allowing it to happen in the first place.
In this instance, that horrible sense of self-loathing was mercifully avoided. Having watched and reviewed Natalie Ross’s Independent Venue Week set at the Boileroom in Guildford, I set about searching and unearthed The Thrill of It All.
Although I’m not in the target market of songs with titles like Holes in My Tights – no, not even on the weekends – it’s impossible to not be captivated by their catchiness, not to mention the obvious heaps of love and care that have been lavished upon them. The really great thing about Natalie Ross is that when you see her live, you get to experience these songs in much the same form as you do on record – even if it’s just a solo show – thanks to Ross’s crafty use of digital pedal-minions. This EP, on the other hand, serves to show that behind the fancy trickery you’ll still find solid musicianship and songwriting chops aplenty. Regardless of how or where you hear Natalie Ross, everybody wins.
Check out Natalie Ross’s very stylish website at:
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