Kevin Nolan – ‘Fredrick & The Golden Dawn’ [Review]

_Fredrick & The Golden Dawn_ album coverWhen I watched Thomas Truax and Bob Log III turn the Boileroom inside out, I remember trying to think of a third artist who could fit perfectly – seamlessly, even – alongside said masters of sheer weirdness.

As of now, I have found that third artist – and his name is Kevin Nolan.

Fredrick… is, to say the least, a diverse set of tunes. There’s the wistful and lonesome opener Blood Wedding; the fascinating prog-inflected riffs of Splinter; the difficult noise-jazz of Ballade to St. Dymphna; the ironically spacious Drowning; the Thomas Truax / Tom Waits-esque Peggy SueOil On Canvas‘s strident piano and beautifully interwoven vocal lines; and soft, lilting piano for closing piece Aubade. Taken in as one serving, it’s all a bit too much to digest – but to my ears, that’s a great thing.

After all, it gives the listener a great excuse to go back to the start and drop into the album all over again. And that’s what I’m about to do now.

Every end is a new beginning. Should you need proof, just listen to Fredrick & The Golden Dawn.

Links / Video

Kevin Nolan official website.

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Posted on 10 June 2014

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