The Jellycats – ‘When I Do’ [Review]

the jellycats when i doLast Friday night was pretty damn special. As I said before, it was the best gig I’ve ever been to. It even beat Mötley Crue – something I’d always assumed was impossible. In short, Reel Big Fish killed it.

However, the greatest headliners are usually made so by being forced to raise the bar by their support acts. If the supports suck, headlining bands often suffer for it. The Jellycats, then, were the perfect opening act – and this album contains many of the songs that made the start of my night absolutely perfect.

The first thing to say about this album is that, at the time of writing, it’s completely free to download via Bandcamp. The Jellycats aren’t even asking money for it. So now you have no excuse to not have it on your hard drive.

When I Do is certainly worth more than zero pounds and zero pence. It’s a hyperactive, snotty, and fun-loving set of twelve ska-tinged tunes guaranteed to lodge themselves in your brain so deeply that you’ll need professional help to get them out again. From the horn-laden start of Hysteria to the title track’s closing moments via the wise advice of T-W-A-TBritish Poverty‘s political leanings, the essential A Drummer’s Guide To Self-Confidence and the irresistible bounce of Bipolar LoveWhen I Do is perfect from start to finish.

Make the most of The Jellycats’ generosity, download this album, and keep an eye on the future stars of ska. This album is also perfect for waking up in the morning, curing diseases of all kinds, and bugging the crap out of your neighbours at 3am.

Links / Listen

The Jellycats on Facebook and Twitter.

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Posted on 21 July 2014

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