Boy Hits Car – ‘All That Led Us Here’ [Review]

boy hits car all that led us hereUKIP. The BNP (and Nazi-aping BNP Youth). Xenophobia. Racism. Sexism. Homophobia. Hatred, apathy, and immersion in a parallel hyperreality that connects us digitally while disconnecting us physically from each other and the natural world.

Boy Hits Car stand in plain-spoken opposition to all of the above.

Musically, Boy Hits Car can do no wrong; every cut on this album is a prime, premium slice of 12-string-tinged alt-metal – with the exception of penultimate track Can’t Run From Yourself, where we drop into pure and epic bliss. What makes Boy Hits Car stand out, however, is the message behind the songs. That message is one of peace, tolerance, hope, and meaningful connections.

Today, there’s not much of any of that. A new war seems to start every other week, met with angry Facebook statuses and not much else. In the UK, we talk the talk of tolerance while failing to vote in opposition to bigotry and ignorance. Hope for the future has been replaced with slavering anticipation of the next big game, TV show, movie, gadget, or mobile app and addiction to distraction – and meaningful connections are like gold dust in a world where we live alone together.

Thank god, then for bands like Boy Hits Car. They’re not afraid to ask timely questions and pull their listeners out of our filter bubbles – and they have the admirable ability to marry meaningful lyrics with solidly rocking grooves. It’s hard to roll your eyes and shrug your shoulders when your body wants to move in other ways.

Overall, this is an epic and timely release from a group of alt-metal legends who always lead by example. It’s intelligent, powerful, and bottomless. Love it.

Links / Listen

Boy Hits Car official website.

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Posted on 28 July 2014

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