Simeon Baker – ‘Simeon Baker EP’ [Review]

simeon baker epLondon’s randomness never ceases to surprise me. In summer, street performers can be found everywhere – but having spent so much time passing rappers, dancers, and human statues, it takes a lot to attract a spoilt Londoner’s attention. It’s safe to say, then, that Simeon Baker has a lot to offer.

Simeon Baker is best known for his highly percussive ‘Lap-Tap’ guitar style – and after witnessing a single song performed in said style to a massive crowd of adoring Leicester Square onlookers, I handed over a fiver. That’s the most I’ve ever paid for a single song, and it wasn’t even recorded! As well as being a virtuoso guitar genius, Simeon is also a master of marketing; thanks to a conveniently placed sign, I’d already followed him on Twitter before his set finished.

Through Twitter, I discovered Simeon’s self-titled EP – and now, I can definitively say that this kid is going to be massive. Simeon Baker is no gimmicky one-trick pony; this EP is crammed with carefully crafted songs capable of appealing to a mass audience, topped off by a rendition of Simeon’s YouTube hit Roads. As Dirty Loops have proven, eclectic virtuoso musicians with songwriting talent can still hit the big time – and if someone doesn’t snap Simeon Baker up soon, they’re going to be kicking themselves further down the line.

Links / Listen / Video

Follow Simeon Baker on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

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Posted on 31 July 2014

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