Seven7 – ‘Follower’ [Review]

TheFollowerAlbumCoverFew bands mark their territory as clearly as Seven7 do. Fusing brutal intensity with seductively exotic scales and topping it all off with harsh, unyielding vocals while channelling and challenging the likes of Dream Theater and Alter Bridge, these guys are nothing if not ambitious.

Of course, ambition alone is not enough to guarantee success – it needs to be backed up by time, passion, talent, and single-minded intent. Clearly, Seven7 have all that and more – from Nic Meier’s insane soloing on lead single Free to Fall‘s pounding drums and Magic Box‘s labyrinthine melodic lines, this is a blistering, vicious, and thoroughly satisfying album free of even a microsecond’s worth of weakness. If you’re fed up with traditional within-the-box metal bands, Follower is exactly what you need.

Even the production is top-class here, finding a perfect balance between polish and raw power. When this album finally drops, it will be worth the wait. Start sitting on the edge of your seat immediately!

Follower is set for release on November 1st via MGP Records.

Links / Video

Seven7 on Facebook and Twitter.

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Posted on 03 August 2014

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