Nathan Detroit – ‘Peace Of Mind’ [Review]

nathan detroitOld-school vibes with extra nostalgia and a contemporary twist? Sounds like the perfect end-of-summer soundtrack to me. Uni was a long time ago, but Peace Of Mind takes me straight back to all the best bits.

Youthful bounce, open and spacious arrangements, and straight-up beautiful songcraft totally won me over here. The Way Down is punchy and melodic; Never Enough fuses pushy drums and spacious guitars before it all kicks off; I Will always Be Part Of This World is raw, deeply felt, vulnerable and perfectly crafted; and Every Heart is a slab of hot, unrestrained riffage topped with fantastic vocal and lyrical work.

If you like your rock with extra balls, heart, swagger and catchiness, Nathan Detroit will do you just fine.

Thanks to Lauren at Inception Press for the heads-up about this release.

Links / Listen

Nathan Detroit on Facebook and Twitter.

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Posted on 15 August 2014

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