Atiptoe / Patchwork Natives – ‘Split EP’ [Review]
One thing’s for sure: Surrey-based indie label Failure By Design have great taste. For evidence, just give this split EP a metaphorical spin. Atiptoe’s Sir Real has already been raved about on TMMP here, while second track Tripoli packs balls, punch, complexity and catchiness into less than four minutes – and Patchwork Natives are no slouches either, giving it some with no vocals and shitloads of kaleidoscopic runs, riffs, and melodies on O.E.S.O.U.S and High Fives All Round!
Overall: An intriguing and excellent release from two bands you need to hear, and a label you need to be following.
Links / Listen
Follow Atiptoe on Facebook and Twitter.
Do likewise to Patchwork Natives on Facebook and/or Twitter.
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