Princess Slayer Discuss: The Boileroom & UK Live Music
With Guildford venue the Boileroom facing the possibility of closure, TMMP caught up with Princess Slayer frontwoman Casey Lim to discuss the Boileroom and the state of the UK’s live music scene.
This interview is part of a larger TMMP feature which can be read in full here.
What dealings have you had with the Boileroom in the past?
Many! I’ve been there as a customer, I’ve hired the venue for my own event, I’ve played gigs there, and I was also a neighbour of the Boileroom.
What is your general opinion of the Boileroom?
It is a brilliant, well-run venue, unique to Guildford and invaluable to touring musicians.
How did you feel when you heard about the Boileroom’s current problems?
I felt very shocked when I heard that the Boileroom’s license was up for review. Every dealing I’ve had with the venue in the past has been pleasant and I’ve always been impressed with the way they handle noise disruption and offer a safe place for people of all ages to meet. For these reasons, learning about their problems made me feel upset and indignant.
What would happen if the Boileroom were to shut down? What impact would that event have?
This thriving venue is more than just a place where people come to enjoy music and be with their friends. The Boileroom inspires children, teens, adults and the elderly to explore their own creativity, get involved with community projects and belong to a support network of friendly, ambitious men and women.
If this independent business were to shut down, a close-knit group of hard-working musicians and businesspeople would no longer have a steady job. There would be one less safe place for ‘underage’ kids to hang out, it would take Guildford off of the map for unsigned and signed UK music, and it will send out the message that small business owners and creative establishments are not supported by the local government. I think it would be a very sad day.
What is your favourite Boileroom-related memory?
I have so many happy memories related to the Boileroom! In October of 2011, my brother moved to a different country and I went to see him off at the airport. I was very sad when I got home so I made the last minute decision to get on the train to Guildford and go to the Boileroom where I knew that a band called Submotion Orchestra were playing.
Many of my friends were there and the atmosphere was amazing. The staff was so friendly and I witnessed an intimate concert that I will never, ever forget. The music was inspiring and being in that environment lifted my spirits considerably. The Boileroom is also where I met my partner 2 years ago, and for obvious reasons, that is also a very happy memory.
How do you feel about the state of grassroots music in the UK right now? What could be done to improve things?
There is so much musical talent in the UK right now and I would really love to see even more support for these hardworking individuals and groups. In addition to this, there are some legendary music venues in the UK which could definitely do with more support and representation. Improvements can be made through changes in laws surrounding complaints and licensing. A short-term improvement could be a change in attitude towards creativity and expression.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Thank you, The Musical Melting Pot, for asking the right questions and supporting such an outstanding independent music venue!
Princess Slayer official website.
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