Victorian Whore Dogs Discuss: The Boileroom & UK Live Music

victorian whore dogsWith Guildford venue the Boileroom facing the possibility of closure, TMMP caught up with Victorian Whore Dogs to discuss the Boileroom and the state of the UK’s live music scene.

This interview is part of a larger TMMP feature which can be read in full here.

What is your general opinion of the Boileroom?

It’s a good place, and one of the better venues in this area for sure. They have a great bunch of organisers and a great sound.

How did you feel when you heard about the Boileroom’s current problems?

Sadly it’s not come as a surprise, as disappointingly there are a lot of venues being shut down around the area by the various council bodies. We hope it doesn’t come to that with the Boileroom.

What would happen if the Boileroom were to shut down? What impact would that event have?

Well the Guildford music scene would take a real knock, especially given the ACM nights that currently provide showcases to all the upcoming talent. The Boileroom has developed a really strong presence in the Guildford music scene over the years, and for it to go would be a real shame.

What is your favourite Boileroom-related memory?

Our EP launch was great! We had everything: Noodle headbanging, free jaffa cakes, and a massive climax onstage when all the bands came up to sing our last song.

How do you feel about the state of the UK’s live music scene right now? What could be done to improve things?

There’s a lot of potential band-wise, but we’d say it’s evolving – not dissolving. Getting people to come to shows has been harder, but that’s because there are fewer local venues and it’s getting harder for bands to put on good local shows.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

We’d say the Boileroom have done so much work to make a great live venue that’s also considerate to the local community. Unfortunately a situation beyond their control led to this point, and that’s a real shame.


Victorian Whore Dogs on Facebook and Twitter.

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Posted on 10 September 2014

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