Trioscapes – ‘Digital Dream Sequence’ [Review]

trioscapes digital dream sequenceTMMP is all about stretching beyond your comfort zone – and this set of super-intricate fusion tunes will definitely aid in that quest, regardless of how “out-there” you may have been before.

On Digital Dream Sequence‘s opening title track, precisely measured drums underpin labyrinthine sax/bass unison lines and terrifying horn/synth duels over the course of seven and a half minutes – and that’s only for starters! Delightfully-titled second offering Stab Wounds digs into a super-busy Return To Forever vibe with a brilliant bass/drum/flute interlude and plenty of in-your-face synth work; From The Earth To The Moon begins serenely enough, but it’s not long before things take a turn for the twisted; Hysteria is nothing less than a batshit-crazy freakout; and closing epic The Jungle is…well…epic. There isn’t a dull moment or weak note to be found on Digital Dream Sequence – it’s a masterfully crafted journey into three top-notch musical minds that exceeds even the loftiest expectations.

With Digital Dream Sequence now floating about the digital ether, fans of BTBAM and T.R.A.M. have had their wettest dreams come true. If you’re in that category, you’d best head to the shop for some “man-size” tissues and zinc tablets before pressing play.

Links / Listen

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Posted on 17 September 2014

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