Morning Bound – ‘I Did Fine’ [Review]

morning boundIn an era when musicians with great songs are a dime a dozen, going the extra mile and digging out something exceptionally creative is essential. By combining poppy catchiness with jazz fusion’s labyrinthine intricacy and top-drawer musicianship, Morning Bound stand head and shoulders above their commercially-oriented contemporaries. I Did Fine – only song #2 from this New York-based trio – combines vocal loops, heartfelt lyrics set to epic melodies, and a hell of a rhythm section performance into five-plus minutes of awesomeness.

I can’t wait to get my hands on the full EP…

Links / Video

Morning Bound on Facebook.

Tammy Scheffer on Facebook and Twitter.

Panagiotis Andreou on Twitter and Facebook.

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Posted on 18 September 2014

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