Aphex Twin – ‘Syro’ [Review]

aphex twin syroAphex Twin represents a musical culture all his own. If you’re new to Cornwall’s most unorthodox export, then look no further than this brand new album for proof. Take in minipops 67‘s sandpapery beats; 4 bit 9d api+e+6‘s vibrating bass bubbles; and 180db_‘s demonic dissolving-club vibe – or try out CIRCLONT6A, where 8-bit bloops find themselves ambushed by subterranean bass monsters. It’s overwhelming and even oppressive at times, but nonetheless deeply rewarding.

Nothing is normal on Syro bar closing piece aisatsana, where elegant piano and birdsong take pity on ravaged eardrums and auditory cortices and remind us that Aphex Twin doesn’t only excel at borderline-all-too-much electronica. Syro is, in the final analysis, a new and vast supercluster freshly bursting into existence within a constantly expanding musical universe. That same supercluster belongs to Aphex Twin – and now the rest of us too.

Awe-inspiring and gratitude-inducing and very very fucking cool.

Links / Listen

Aphex Twin official webpage.

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Posted on 22 September 2014

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