Mike TV – ‘Sausage Hospital’ [Review]
According to Mike TV, Sausage Hospital is “full of sick bangers”. As wrist-slicingly bad as that pun is, I actually agree with it.
Mike TV’s songs have already taken them around the world (including a couple of tours of China), and it’s hard to imagine that that would be possible if they were shit. Behind the cringeworthy wordplay, Sausage Hospital is nothing less than 18 tracks of pop-punk excellence, with not a single song wearing out its welcome. As much as I love prog, sometimes a good anti-epic is just what you need – and with no running time running over four minutes, unpretentious titles (well, except Pasquinade…or Ferme La Bouche…or Fade In Blue, all of which sound like the names of films you could find on Channel 5 late at night ten years ago), and tightly-honed, clutter-free songwriting, there’s little to argue about.
On Sausage Hospital, Mike TV come into your life, do the job, and promptly leave again. In this sense, Mike TV are like…well, I’ll leave the rest of that sentence up to you.
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