Bare Jams [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 12/10/14]

bare jams logoAlthough Guildford’s alternative music venue is called the Boileroom for a reason, few bands heat it up as quickly as Bare Jams do. For band and crowd alike, this show was very sweaty.

Although the band were quick to admit that “…the set remains the same” as for previous local outings, it was still a straight-up corker packed with crowd favourites and subtly grooving classics. As they brought the Boileroom’s ‘Big Draw’ arts and crafts day to a close, Bare Jams once again proved themselves masters of the art of having fun. With the promise of new material on the horizon, Bare Jams’ future looks very exciting – but right now, the present is more than pleasing enough.


Bare Jams official website.

The Boileroom official website.

Rose Coloured official website.

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Posted on 14 October 2014

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