Chronographs Hunt For New Vocalist [Special Feature]

Screen shot 2014-10-15 at 13.22.57For the past several months, TMMP has watched Bristol-based math rock quintet Chronographs go from strength to strength while pursuing their ‘One Song A Month For A Year’ project. Then disaster struck last week with the departure of vocalist Jon Sinfield – the lyricist and voice behind tunes as varied as the haunting Porcelain and upbeat, summery Flat White.

Press statements from the band indicate that the split is amicable – and potential replacements are already being invited to audition using the audition track featured below.

As a long-time Chronographs supporter, I’m looking forward to seeing where these guys go next.

Links / Video

Chronographs official website.

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Posted on 15 October 2014

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