People On Vacation – ‘The Chronicles Of Tim Powers’ [Review]

POV Tim Powers CoverA message for punk-loving guys suffering from the January (and/or pre-Valentine’s-Day) blues: If Bowling For Soup’s upcoming greatest hits package doesn’t entirely cure your affliction, this album will. Jaret Reddick is nothing if not a consistently great songwriter, and this set of songs (penned in collaboration with Texan singer-songwriter Ryan Hamilton) is a more than worthy addition to POV’s catalogue. Listening to The Chronicles of Tim Powers feels like rubbing salt into an open wound while sunbathing at the beach – and when it really hits home (as on She’s Not You and album closer Journey to the End) it really hits home.

Kids: This is how it’s done.



The Chronicles of Tim Powers drops on February 2nd.

People On Vacation official website.

Follow TMMP on Twitter for more awesome music.

Posted on 08 January 2015

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