Speaker Face feat. Rachel Sermanni – ‘Vertical’ [Review]
I’ve never heard anything quite like this.
The automatic response to the unfamiliar is often to find a quick way to dismiss it, to chuck it in the metal box labelled “Weird Shit” and head back toward something a little safer. It’s automatic and comfortable and understandable – but sadly, your comfort zone is enemy territory. If you’re a music fan, and the above is a habit of yours, you’re guaranteeing a future in which your listening becomes limited to the same old stuff you’ve always listened to; a future full of boredom, apathy, and paralysis-inducing brain fog.
The best way to fuck boredom in the face is to try something completely different. Vertical is a great place to start; it’s about as far from the norm of faux-sexy plasticised electronica as you could hope to get, yet it still has its own seductive aura. That aura may be periodically punctured by off-kilter rhythms and unsettling strings, but that just highlights Speaker Face as a duo capable of waking a listener up, rather than causing their eyes to glaze over. Who the hell wants to sleepwalk through life, anyway?
Links / Video
Speaker Face official website.
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