Periphery – ‘Juggernaut Alpha / Juggernaut Omega’ [Review]

periphery juggernaut

UPDATE: TMMP has been reborn! This video has the full story:

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As I write these words, the internet is exploding. To say that this concept double album has been hotly anticipated is a major understatement; to judge from all the hype, Juggernaut is nothing less than the metal world’s equivalent of a cancer cure.

Well, is it?

I’m glad you asked. Yes, it most definitely fucking is. Going into a blow-by-blow account of each and every track would take an ice age; there’s just so much music, and so much going on at any one time, that you honestly just have to buy it, find a quiet spot, plug in your headphones, and plow through it.

For my part, I can absolutely assure you that the tectonic plates that form the foundation of the metal world just shifted. I know this not only because of the actual contents of this album, but also because every die-hard metalhead I know has completely lost the plot and started quoting this video:

When big grown men with beards are blowing up your phone screaming “IT’S TAKING ME TO CANDY MOUNTAIN!!!”, only a fool would stick their nose in the air and carry on like nothing’s happening. Sure, a few will; this is the internet, after all. But fuck them – history remembers those who move things forward, not the stick-in-the-mud traditionalists who try to yank the reins of the rest of us.

If you need me, I’ll be somewhere between here and Candy Mountain…

TMMP RATING: 100% (Seriously)

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See you in the next video!

Posted on 27 January 2015

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