Keep Of Kalessin – ‘Epistemology’ [Review]

Keep-of-Kalessin-EpistemologyThree guys made this album.

Three guys.


What the actual fuck?!

To be completely honest, death/black metal is something I don’t often listen to outside of that scene in Californication where a post-vasectomy Hank Moody holds an ice cube tray against his balls while his daughter Becca sulks in her room blasting said types of metal…but I can happily make an exception when it’s this fucking good. Fans of Noctiferia‘s older albums will love Epistemology; it transcends genre boundaries, and can really be best described as heavy, epic, and absolutely frickin’ riveting.


Links / Listen

Keep Of Kalessin official website.

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Posted on 19 February 2015

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