Giacomo Pope – ‘Ivory’ [Review]

Screen shot 2015-02-20 at 13.59.28Long-time TMMP readers will remember my endless ranting about Chronographs – one of my favourite bands of 2014. A former tech-metal act experimenting with recording one math-rock-flavoured track per month for a whole year, Chronographs were forced to cut their experiment short due to the departure of their vocalist. Since then, Chronographs have gone on a singer-hunt, while guitarist Giacomo (Jack) Pope has begun experimenting with minimalist electronica.

Although Ivory is definitely another experiment, it shows great compositional understanding and potential for further development. Primarily peaceful and subtly intense on occasion, this is as far from hectic riffage and brutal beatdowns as you could hope to get – but who cares? A good sense of balance in one’s musical taste is…well…good – without it you wind up with blastbeat-induced migraines or too-many-synth-pads lethargy. Open-minded Chronographs fans will likely dig Ivory, and in turn it’ll calm their nerves during the ever-anxious wait for vocalist news and new full-band material.


Links / Listen

Chronographs official website.

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Posted on 22 February 2015

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