Thomas Truax / Love Buzzard [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 26/3/2015]

thomas truax uk tour 2015Warming up for a guy who invented most of his own instruments – and is capable of taking over an entire room with little effort – is a tough ask. Still, Love Buzzard rose to the challenge and nailed it with a relentless tirade of pure rock’n’roll energy. Scrappy filth wrapped around a tough-as-nails core, Love Buzzard’s music managed to get the Boileroom suitably amped up for…

Thomas Truax – an artist who doesn’t so much defy categorisation as cause you to forget that all those other categories existed in the first place. Once a Thomas Truax set is over, listening to “normal” music pumping through a venue’s PA system feels weird; it’s amazing that one’s ears can actually become used to the not-very-dulcet tones of Truax’s Hornicator and his mechanical assistant, a bizarre home-made drum machine named Mother Superior. Thomas Truax’s success to date isn’t predicated purely on technological augmentation, either – the guy can take things down to a totally unplugged level for the likes of Full Moon Over Wowtown, too.

With a freshly crowdfunded album under his belt, a bunch of great new songs, and the ability to wrangle the most awkward sounds from an array of gadgets and turn them into music, Thomas Truax is definitely a guy you need to check out if you fancy something more than merely different.

Links / Music

Thomas Truax official website.

Love Buzzard on Facebook and Twitter.

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Posted on 27 March 2015

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