Employed To Serve – ‘Greyer Than You Remember’ [Review]

I’m writing these words on a cloudless spring day. My laptop is on a table on a freshly swept patio, and birds are chirping happily in the trees. My neighbours are playing fetch with their dog.
Greyer Than You Remember is not an appropriate soundtrack for this.
Calling this album chaotic would be a teeny bit of an understatement. Kicking off with the ultra-tight stabs of Live Without and Watching Films To Forget I Exist, there’s no doubt Employed To Serve are hell-bent on making their mark on the world of mathcore – and neither is there any doubt they will succeed. Every track is dense, oppressive, and truly fucking heavy, whether you’re talking about the grimly determined churn of title track Greyer Than You Remember; No One’s Perfect, This Includes You‘s electrified riffage; the hectic meter-changes twisting within the foundations of Bones To Break; or the tortured feedback squeals which push Beg For Rain over the edge.
Closing track Colder Than The Rest opens with a brief philosophical breather, before the black hole pull of brutal guitars and harsh, Deftones-esque grooves becomes too much. Holy fucking shit. That is how you end an album.
Employed To Serve have gone from strength to strength since the days of Long Time Dead – but Greyer Than You Remember is on a whole other level entirely. This is the kind of album any mathcore band would be proud to call their own – and it’s guaranteed to win them respect, support, and plenty of new fans. Start counting down the days; May 25th will be a great day for metal.
Links / Listen
Check out TMMP’s interview with Employed To Serve, discussing the new album and more, here!
Employed To Serve on Facebook and Twitter.
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