2000 Trees 2015 [Festival Preview]

Since 2007, 2000 Trees has evolved into one of the UK alternative music scene’s most treasured institutions. Combining a fiercely independent ethos with a super-positive DIY attitude and the backing of many brilliant musicians, this festival is not one to miss. For TMMP, the lineup alone is absolutely mouth-watering.
Eclectically-minded music buffs are guaranteed to find themselves satiated at 2000 Trees. Diversity is key at big events, and 2000 Trees 2015 is set to fill your ears with top-notch rock and punk (Deaf Havana / Alkaline Trio / The Subways / We Are The Ocean / Idlewild / Young Guns), off-kilter riffage (And So I Watch You From Afar / Arcane Roots / Vennart / Black Peaks), brutal and uncompromising metal and hardcore (Bury Tomorrow / Feed The Rhino / Hacktivist / &U&I), intriguingly experimental acts (Errors / Acollective / Goan Dogs / Lu’Ami), and plenty of chilled folksters and singer-songwriters (Skinny Lister / Rob Lynch / Alice Phoebe Lou / Hannah Lou Clark). Expect everything from circle pits and walls of death to daisy chains and berets – and bear in mind that the bands listed above represent a fraction of 2000 Trees’ epic-scale 80-band lineup.
Unfortunately, I have to end with a bit of bad news: 2000 Trees is on the verge of selling out right now. So do what you have to do to be there. Whether that means becoming your local area’s version of Walter White or begging the cashola from your nan, get it done and grab a ticket before you miss your chance.
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