Heights / Throatpunch City / Eschar / Toska [Live Review – The Star, Guildford, 27/6/2015]


This lineup was unmissable.

Regular readers will already know how much I love talking about Toska. These guys are beyond insane, boasting telepathic tightness and currently-instrumental tunes heavier than the Terminator’s ballsack. Over their last few shows, Toska have been experimenting with a variety of dynamic approaches, and seem to have settled on a rawer, more focussed, and emotionally immersive sound than ever before.

Level Up: Achieved.

Having followed Eschar for so long they’re probably considering a restraining order, it’s safe to say that I think they’re alright – maybe even pretty good. The only thing Eschar seem to struggle with is deciding which epic-length songs to cram into a set; this time out, new album tracks NovaDiscovery One, and Monolith were aired in full. Needless to say, they effortlessly lived up to the sky-high standard Eschar have set for themselves.

These guys’ ability to make odd-meter monsters feel as natural as a three-chord pop song is rad enough – but special mention has to go to skin-beater Rory Gilhespy’s double-kicks. If Jesus were a drummist, he would have wept.

Third act Throatpunch City have come a long way – and on the strength of this well-received set, they’re still on the right track. Occupying the space between Arcane Roots and At The Drive-In (with a bit of Guthrie Govan guitar flamboyance thrown in for good measure), Throatpunch City have a great style that may still feel like a work in progress, but bodes well for the future.

Then, we have Heights. The level of control in that band is downright phenomenal – and this set was flawless bar a couple of instantly forgivable false starts. Punching like kung-fu masters through pieces as dense as Centrifuge and On The Wings Of Astral Projection, Heights brought the night to a close with a show high on playfulness, understated virtuosity, and terrifying tightness.

A final shoutout has to go to Progressive Promotions for assembling a stunning lineup and putting on a perfectly-run show.


Heights on Facebook and Twitter.

Throatpunch City on Facebook and Twitter.

Eschar on Facebook and Twitter.

Toska on YouTube.

Progressive Promotions on Facebook and Twitter.

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Posted on 28 June 2015

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