Blood Youth [The A-Z Interview]

Blood Youth

TMMP regulars Blood Youth return for a special one-off interview…

A song that made you want to make music: Scar Tissue – RHCP.

Best album ever written: Slipknot – Iowa.

Craziest moment you’ve experienced in the band: On our last tour we stayed at Stanley Kubrick’s mansion.

Deepest lyrics from one of your songs: Your eyes tell me things your heart never could. At least I felt something, something you never would.

Easiest song you’ve written: We actually just wrote a new song which took less than two days. That was pretty easy. It’s a banger too.

Favourite show you’ve ever played: Probably the show we played with Pvris last month!

Guest you’d most like to feature on your record: Tyler Carter.

Happiest moment you’ve experienced in the band: Listening to our EP for the first time.

Interesting fact about one of your members: The line in failure, “My hair is falling out,” is actually about our guitarist Chris, as he used to have alopecia.

Jokes you have in the band: Pat Mowles.

Kicking off your set is best with which song? Dead Space.

Longest distance you’ve travelled to play a show: So far in this band, about 4 hours. In previous bands we’ve done 24-hour drives.

Most inspiring musician you’ve ever experienced: Davey Muise (VANNA).

New band you’d recommend: Loathe.

Opening for this band would be ideal: Rage Against The Machine.

Place you’d most like to tour: America.

Quote that you’d like to pass on to readers: “How do you like your eggs in the morning?” – M. Scott

Reason for the title of your new EP Inside My Head: The songs are literally what was going through my head when I was writing the lyrics.

See us live at: July tour (UK) with Trash Boat. Hevy Festival. Destruction Derby (DE).

The old days of music were better (according to some). Do you agree? No, because there is still great music constantly being released.

Variations you’d like to do on any of your songs: We’d like to do an acoustic version of one of our songs.

Which bands have you seen live and regretted? Blood Youth.

X-rays, or any other treatments needed for band-related injuries? Our drummer recently had chicken pox on our last tour.

You could have written any song in history; which would you pick? David Hassellhoff – True Survivor. Its a rager.

Zoo animal that best describes the personality of your band: Gorilla.


Blood Youth’s new EP Inside My Head is out now, and was reviewed on TMMP here.

Blood Youth on Facebook and Twitter.

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Posted on 29 June 2015

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