Allusondrugs [Interview]


Surreally-orientated grunge-rock upstarts Allusondrugs are more than a controversial name. They’re also an immense live act, and they’re set to hit 2000 Trees 2015 with all they’ve got. With that in mind, TMMP talked to AUOD guitarist/vocalist Damian Hughes about live shows, food-lack-induced death, vomit, and purple fire…

You’re set to play 2000 Trees – what’s the best part of the festival experience for you?

If catering at the festival is good then it’s usually that. Food is king. All five of us are addicted to food. If we don’t eat food then we get irritable and cranky, we get unwell, and start to die.

What’s the most mental thing that’s ever happened during an Allusondrugs set?

Jason vomited all over himself during our set at Download this year. He was really shaky because he met Iron Maiden’s bass player about ten minutes before we went on. I’ve never seen him shit himself as much as when he met that guy.

For the curious, how would you describe the show you’re planning for 2000 Trees?

That’d be telling wouldn’t it. Just come to the gig and see. If you don’t enjoy it we’ll buy you an ice cream for your trouble.

Do you ever get stage fright or nerves? If so, how do you deal with it?

I hide behind my hair and throw up afterwards. Jason just throws up on the stage.

If money were no object, what would your stage show look like?

Pretty much the same as it is now, except there would be more purple. Do they make purple fire? I want purple fire.

What’s on the Allusondrugs bucket list?

Destroy sexism. Destroy racism. Destroy all other prejudices. Take over the world. Resurrect Andy Kaufman. Eat some chocolate. Go to bed.

Links / Video

Allusondrugs official website.

2000 Trees official website.

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Image © Rob Ellis Photography.

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Posted on 01 July 2015

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