Hacktivist [Interview]

In the final instalment of TMMP’s 2000 Trees interview series, Hacktivist talk Korn cameos, influential gigs, and the foundations of political change…
You’re set to lay waste to 2000 Trees 2015. Do you have anything special planned for your set?
I think as a band, we treat each show the same no matter where we are or who is watching. We believe every H show is special! So yeah, we do have something special: a Hacktivist set!
What’s the craziest occurrence that’s ever taken place during a Hacktivist set?
When we toured with Korn, the fans started screaming so fucking loud out of nowhere. I was on stage waving my arms side to side with the crowd, and realised Fieldy was right next to me doing the same with his bass! Considering I’ve been listening to them since I was like 11, that was definitely a crazy moment in my life.
Hacktivist lyrics tend toward the political. What life experiences first sparked your political passions?
Like any kids, initially we were oblivious to so much that was going on in the world around us. It’s so easy to get so trapped in the cycle of the system that you don’t see anything other than what’s presented in front of you. As we all grew older, we slowly began to realise that things weren’t right in the world.
I think it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what drove us to the views we have now, as there are so many things. Seeing people sleeping rough at night when there’s a mansion round the corner. Seeing planes crash into the twin towers, and then the invasion that followed with ridiculous amounts of lives lost as a result. Seeing people get locked away like a caged animal for selling a plant. Seeing so much racial discrimination in this world of ‘equality’. Seeing our liberties get taken from us day to day.
The list is endless. We all want a better world – and seeing as we have gained a large following, it’s a great feeling knowing so many people will hear our message.
The Tories. Discuss…
For another 5 years we have to face being led by an elitist, far-right party who have no concern whatsoever for the majority of the UK’s population. It’s a complete kick in the balls they are in power yet again.
What would you have people do to fix things?
Start thinking for yourself. That’s the first and hardest thing to do. Some people naturally awaken and with others it needs a lot more work.
The older you become the harder it is to change, so helping kids to understand the truth is very important. I think if we can reach out to the youth, we have a much bigger chance of shaping a better future for us all. Get involved with likeminded people, and do your best in everyday life to make the right choices.
It’s easier said than done, because we’ve become so deeply reliant on this system – but it’s a system that has failed us and we must step out of it before it’s too late. Make your voice be heard. Don’t think twice about what people think of your ideas. If you truly believe in yourself you can achieve so much no matter how many stand against you.
Stop basing your worldviews on mainstream media. Stop obeying orders just because they have come from authority. We are all human, no-one is above you.
Once you start making changes in your personal life, it will help to change the world.
When you were growing up, which gigs had a real impact on you?
Seeing Motorhead when i was in my early teens at the Hammersmith Apollo. FUCK. My ears were ringing for like a week. That definitely made me wanna get up on stage and make that noise!
Also, I remember buying the Slipknot Disasterpieces DVD. Swear I must’ve watched that like 20 times!
Do you ever get nervous before you go onstage? If so, what helps you deal with that?
I used to get pretty nervous for like every show. Now it’s more hit and miss. I could be playin’ in front of tens of thousands of people and feel fine, whereas I could be playing a small intimate show and get proper nervous. I really don’t know why – but yeah, it’s always a different feeling for each show.
The adrenaline always outweighs the nerves though. As soon as I walk onstage, all nerves (if any) are completely gone and the carnage commences! Couple of shots of Jäger always helps…
If you had to sum up Hacktivist’s message in a single sentence, what would it be?
Stay positive, speak your mind, and don’t be controlled by others!
Beside 2000 Trees, what does the future hold?
We’ve now finished our debut album, so that will be released in the near future. We got some other sweet festivals booked up this year including Nass, Y Not & Techfest. Possibly a couple more tours announcements as well!
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Image © Perry Westphal.