Alright The Captain [Interview]

Alright The Captain

Last year, I described Alright The Captain’s Contact Fix as suitable for those whose evening plans involve “chugging absinthe, spinning round in circles until you fall over or puke or both, repeating the above until you pass out, and then waking up and putting on your coat and going to work”.

Today, I still stand by those words. Here, ATC discuss their upcoming set at ArcTanGent, taking in surprise gingerness, fire-breathers, and a hint at what they’d be doing if the music ever stopped…

You’re set to hit ArcTanGent 2015 this week. How’re you feeling about it?

Excited as fuck! Marty’s been running round like a spring lamb since last year.

What’s the best thing about festivals for you?

They’re a good chance to escape reality for a while and party with friends and play to new crowds. What’s not to like?

Do you have anything special planned for your ATG set?

Things might turn ginger towards the end!

If money and good taste weren’t issues, what would your stage setup look like?

A dystopia with fire-breathers and broken TVs, and Jamie wants to fly with his kit suspended 20ft above the arena, like a drumming pigeon.

Beyond ATG, what’ve you got in store for the rest of the year?

We have a lot more UK shows lined up for the rest of the year and we’ve started writing for a new album.

Gotta keep busy or else ya turn to drugs and crime.

What’s left on your bucket list?

Japan and America – then we’ll call it a day and stop annoying everybody.


Alright The Captain on Facebook and Twitter.

ArcTanGent Festival official website.

Follow TMMP via Twitter and my brand new Facebook page for updates from the world of world-class music. Don’t do drugs – or crime.

Posted on 19 August 2015

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