Black Futures – ‘Love’ [Review]

Black Futures

If you’re a fan of flat-out-fucked electronica à la the Prodigy, you’ve either heard of Black Futures already (and love them), or you’ve never given them a listen and must do so immediately.

Love‘s video carries a warning (“FLASHING IMAGES – MAY CAUSE FEELINGS OF ELATION AND ECTASY”) for good reason, while the track itself features a sick verse from P.O.S of Minnesotan hip-hop collective Doomtree. Go. Listen. Do it. Be warned, elated, and ecstatic – and maybe leave it a while before operating heavy machinery, signing legal documents, or making important life decisions.


Links / Video

Black Futures on Facebook and Twitter.

Doomtree official website.

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Posted on 20 August 2015

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