The Lion And The Wolf – ‘My Father’s Eyes’ [Review]

The Lion And The Wolf

Tom George, AKA The Lion And The Wolf, is a brilliant songwriter. His music is guaranteed to soothe, invigorate, and energise via gently overdriven guitars, healthy dollops of spacious reverb, and carefully structured rhythms. Beautiful.

As far as paternally-oriented tribute tracks go, My Father’s Eyes is perfect – and B-side Barstools washes, jangles, and languidly stretches beneath wonderfully poetic lyrics. Singer-songwriting at its best. TLATW just became an even firmer TMMP favourite.


|P?;s (Or, if I’d been looking at my keyboard, Links) / Listen

My Father’s Eyes drops on October 2nd.

The Lion And The Wolf on Facebook and Twitter.

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Posted on 10 September 2015

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