Maxi Curnow – ‘If We Make It’: A Hard-Hitting Video You Need To See [Review]

Although everyone has the right to express themselves however they like, the world needs more musicians willing to stand up for a positive cause and draw attention to serious issues. Maxi Curnow is one of those musicians.
The video below is fucking harsh. It’s not easy viewing, not by a long shot. But it also only hints at the brutal reality the assorted emergency services deal with every day.
Maxi Curnow isn’t just an insanely talented multi-instrumentalist with a debut album due in December, or an awesome songwriter, or a guy with a great voice. He’s also a firefighter who’s witnessed more than his fair share of shit. That fact lends a whole other level of gut-level emotional impact to a hard-hitting video that you need to see, while being warned that for some people it will be extremely disturbing.
TMMP RATING: 97% (Essential Listening / Viewing / Repeating.)
Links / Video
Maxi Curnow on Facebook and Twitter.
Safe Drive Stay Alive official website.
The Fire Fighter’s Charity official website.
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