Monster Truck – ‘Sittin’ Heavy’ [Review]

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Lovers of old-school, no-nonsense rock ‘n’ roll, stick around. Monster Truck have everything you need.
From scuzzy riffs to sleazy, wah-drenched leads and full-pelt energy, opener Why Are You Not Rocking says it all: Monster Truck are all about keeping it hard, authentic, and real. Sittin’ Heavy as a whole is all about doing whatever the hell you like, without giving in to the siren call of conformity – and in a world increasingly driven by what’s “trending” right now and overflowing with throwaway bullshit as a result, it’s a message worth listening to. Second track Don’t Tell Me How To Live gives that message hard-grooving legs and a bass-heavy backbone, making it Sittin’ Heavy‘s standout track in the process.
From that point onward, all the “hard rock album” checklist boxes get ticked in style. She’s A Witch addresses toxic relationships; For The People is a countrified party anthem; ballad Black Forest builds slowly from an electric piano-led intro, and Another Man’s Shoes returns to the realm of massive riffs once more. Things Get Better continues the good fight against the status quo and life’s assorted trials and tribulations, and The Enforcer, To The Flame, and New Soul point the way to one final ballad in Enjoy The Time. It’s a winningly timed closer sure to bring a tear to the eye, marking the end of a masterfully paced set, an album you can actually listen to as an album without feeling the need to cherry-pick one or two highlights and drop the rest.
With the original Guns N’ Roses lineup back on the scene, it’s likely that 2016 will see more hard rockers throwing their hats in the ring – but Monster Truck are already way ahead of the pack in terms of quality. All they need to do is keep it up, and keep on going.
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