Therapy? – ‘Tides EP’ [Review]

Therapy - 'Tides EP' (Review)

Over the course of the past 26 years, Therapy? have been renowned for diving deep into the darkest recesses of the human mind, and returning with musical treasures aplenty.

2015’s Disquiet – listed as one of TMMP’s albums of the year – was a hard-rocking winner, crammed with great songs, and Tides was a perfect example of just such a cut. Solid guitars, singalong lyrics, and buckets of show-the-kids-how-it’s-done energy all add up to a great EP headliner here, and the lo-fi grit of Smile Or Die and Slippies‘ old-school vibes drive cool and catchy B-sides. Chuck in a Pitchphase remix of Insecurity, its digitized stomach-butterflies buzzing anxiously for the duration, and you have an April 15 release that looks fated to be a serious fan favourite.


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Tides EP drops April 15; head to Therapy?’s official website for updates!

Posted on 23 February 2016

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