The Colour Line – ‘The Long Awaited Seal Of Disapproval’ [Review]

Visualise Steve Vai and Guthrie Govan jamming with The Dillinger Escape Plan, and you’ll come close to the core of The Colour Line’s sound throughout E=MC Hammered and Usama’s Bin Liners. Marrying playful guitars with hectic drums and an impressively versatile vocal courtesy of frontman Sam Rudderforth, these guys have managed to take a well-established style and twist the mathcore kaleidoscope to a unique position. Nice.
R.E.D. almost brings The Knack’s My Sharona to mind, fucking with the expectations thrown up by hints of a familiar rhythmic and melodic pattern; The Streisand Effect proves terrifyingly tight (seeing that one pulled off live would be seriously sick); and Sarcastronaut throbs and pulses menacingly as The Long Awaited Seal Of Disapproval heads into its frenzied and frantic home stretch.
Overall: A must-listen for mathcore fans. In a scene clogged with clones, The Colour Line are on to something fresh and vital.
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The Colour Line on Facebook and Twitter.
Check out The Long Awaited Seal Of Disapproval via Bandcamp.