The Algorithm – ‘Brute Force’ [Review]

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The Algorithm’s new album.
Try saying that ten times really quickly.
When it comes to creating the heaviest electronica imaginable while maintaining that all-important accessibility, Rémi Gallego is the undisputed leader of the pack. His signature blend of progressive metal and digital know-how has won The Algorithm fans across the world, all constantly craving fresh output.
Now, Brute Force is here. Named after a password-seeking cryptography method, this ten-track long-player lives up to its name, and then some.
Brute Force is an all but unrelenting rampage through oppressive soundscapes populated with bunker-busting beats, near-lethal synth lines, and million-megaton riffs. It often sounds like the end of the world – but it does occasionally pull back into cheeky, bouncy, and even (whisper it) danceable sections now and again.
With listeners barely given room to breathe, Brute Force will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Pretty, soft, and sparkly this is not. If “progtronica” sounds like something you could be (or already are) addicted to, keep reading to begin cracking the code.
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