Create To Inspire – ‘Home Is Where My Heart Dies’ [Review]

Create To Inspire - Home Is Where My Heart Dies - EP Review

It’s 2016, and attention spans are at an all time low. We don’t want to wait for great stuff to happen; we need it immediately.

There are positive and negative points to this fact – but one major plus point is that it forces creatives to get to the point without faffing around.

Clocking in at just under fourteen minutes, Home Is Where My Heart Dies is an EP custom-made for modern earholes. Create To Inspire are a band on a mission – and you can hear it crystal clear the moment History’s introductory hi-hat count gets things going. There’s no doubting the sheer force of intent here, even when you’re listening to a single part of a drum kit; this is pure, unrestrained melodic hardcore.

Those last four words sum up Home Is Where My Heart Dies very accurately. The downside to this EP is that musically, no risks are taken – but that said, the messages behind the pummeling beats and bludgeoning riffage are far from safe. Great hardcore is all about highlighting inconvenient home truths and digging deep into deep-rooted issues – and as you can likely tell from the title, Create To Inspire aren’t holding back.

According to frontman Sean Midson via the press release that accompanied my review copy of Home Is Where My Heart Dies: “We always write about real shit – things that people like you and me go through every single day, from stress-induced illnesses from their day job, to struggling with mental health, and mourning a loved one.”

That definitely comes through throughout this EP. Respect.

If you find yourself constantly craving fresh hardcore-flavoured greatness, then History, Counting Days, Don’t Let Go, and title track Home Is Where My Heart Dies are songs you need to get acquainted with ASAP. This EP drops March 25; be ready.


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Posted on 15 March 2016

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