Aliases [The Derangeable Interview]

Aliases - Derangeable - Album Review 2016 - Interview Leah Woodward - Basick Records Release Date

UPDATE: TMMP has been reborn! This video has the full story:

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Aliases are sitting on a one-of-a-kind album right now. Derangeable – due out on April 15 – is everything existing Aliases fans could possibly hope for, and more. It’s also guaranteed to bend the ears of many a future follower, provided they’re enamored of prime-cut techy metallic goodness.

Click here to read about how blown my mind was on first hearing Derangeable, and read on for a short but appropriately intense chat with Aliases guitarist Leah Woodward…

Your new album Derangeable is pretty well-titled. How do your ideas go from idea to reality? What’s your creative process?

In between varying states of inebriation, we eventually found moments where we were sober enough to come up with fake words that sound creative and don’t derive a huge amount of meaning – other than we love things with a % on the bottle.

With the album release set for April 15, what thoughts and feelings are floating through the Aliases camp right now?

Maybe we should learn how to play these songs…

What’s your earliest musical memory?


What first inspired you to start pushing the boundaries of tech-metal?

We aren’t trying to push the boundaries of any genre; we just write music that we love. We push ourselves.

How have you evolved, as musicians and as people, over the course of writing and recording Derangeable?

The writing process we have incorporated has pushed the limits of every member’s playing ability, so we constantly improve.

This album has been the start of us finding our feet musically and our writing style has grown in an incredible way.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received about pursuing a career in music?

Study, don’t do music.

Beyond the album launch, what does the future hold?

Derangeable is just the beginning…

What did you think of this interview? Subscribe for free to my YouTube channel, leave a comment, and let me know!

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See you in the next video!

Posted on 31 March 2016

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