Fifi Rong – ‘Forbidden Desire EP’ [Review]

Fifi Rong Forbidden Desire EP Review Pledge music cover shot EP Review Interview 2016

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Fifi Rong is a future superstar. Very few musicians in general possess an instantly recognisable style of their own – but Fifi Rong has overcome one of the most common sticking points in the modern music business. Whether captivating audiences with beautifully eccentric live shows, or birthing wickedly seductive electronic tunes, Fifi Rong’s original creativity is something to marvel at.

Forbidden Desire’s title alone encapsulates Fifi Rong’s core characteristics: Exoticism and tasteful sensuality. We’re not talking about someone straddling a wrecking ball or sampling the anaconda metaphor section of Sir Mixalot’s Baby Got Back here; this is accessible, deep, and exceptionally cool music delivered with class and elegance. Forbidden Desire itself proves catchy, relaxing, and a great opener that stands up to repeated listens.

It’s also a serious earworm. Most of those repeated listens are likely to take place in your head, spontaneously, during boring meetings and overlong supermarket trips.

Holy brings in soft synths, delicate piano, and more than a touch of Massive Attack / Portishead-evoking atmospherics. It’s the perfect chillout tune, an antidote for stressful days and anxious nights. You Hurt Me would fit perfectly on the soundtrack to a spy movie, a minimalist ruminative meditation on brokenheartedness.

You Hurt Me may be a downbeat way to close off the original song section of this EP – but since the set is completed by a cinematic remix of Forbidden Desire that soaks itself in hopeful energy and provides a sense of climactic uplift, the negativity is perfectly balanced out elsewhere.

Overall: As always with Fifi Rong, I’m pressing Repeat. I’m not surprised that this EP was backed up by a successful PledgeMusic campaign – and I’m happy to report that Forbidden Desire is guaranteed to live up to its pledgers’ expectations.


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See you in the next video!

Posted on 16 April 2016

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