The Greasy Slicks – ‘Fool Me Twice EP’ [Review]

The Greasy Slicks Fool Me Twice EP Review 2016

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Southern-fried blues rock. Deep-pocketed grooves, filthy riffs, and pitch-perfect guitar solos. Sound like your thing?

Then meet The Greasy Slicks.

Fool Me Twice is made up of four tracks rare in terms of both rawness and quality. The Greasy Slicks have managed to capture the spirit and energy of a captivating live show on record here, and the results sound and just are immense.

Eyes Wide Black starts things off, wasting no time in dropping one hell of a head-bobbing verse before leading into a seriously cool chorus custom-made to be screamed back at the stage during sweat-soaked live sets. A brief breakdown-and-solo section later on showcases The Greasy Slicks’ masterful musicality, tasteful slinkiness merging with gritty, hard-bitten attitude. Damn.

Thrill turns sexually poetic, struggles and trepidation mixing with seen-it-all jadedness while The Greasy Slicks dig into filthy call-and-response lines. A lot happens in this tune, but these guys never step on each others’ toes. Everything has its perfectly-chosen place.

Manipulator tells the tale of an underhanded redhead, using strident bass-and-drum parts to underpin syncopated guitars and extended chords in order to convey a sense of anxiety and inertia. It fucking works, man. This is Fool Me Twice’s breather track, keeping things relatively low-key while giving the finger to someone who sounds like they deserve it.

Aside from opening with a freakishly distorted metronome click, Ratatouille Papadum is not as weird as its title suggests. This one is an instant classic, a languid tune made for desert highway road trips. Fool Me Twice’s title gets referenced in there too, closing a formerly open loop and bringing proceedings full circle as a full-tilt climactic freakout beckons beyond a winning bass solo.

Overall: A virtuosically crafted EP crammed with everything the discerning blues-rock fan constantly craves.


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See you in the next video!

Posted on 20 April 2016

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