Lu’Ami – ‘Better’ [EP Review]

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The “experimental electronic” label has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it allows you to accurately describe the otherwise uncategorizable; on the other, it’s extremely vague. Experimentalism is what keeps music moving forward, yet there are countless artists out there all pulling in different directions.
Lu’Ami uses a miniature arsenal of digital gizmos to create loop-based sonic structures with a one hundred percent idiosyncratic personality. Listening to Better opener Precious Love repeatedly, you’re guaranteed to pick up fresh details every time – and it might not be until you see Lu’Ami perform it live that you realise just how many separate loop-based elements it contains. At last night’s Brighton-based launch party for this very EP, it all became clear – and I’d recommend you check Lu’Ami out live to see how she actually gets it all done.
It’s impressive stuff.
Stylistically, you’re looking at (or more accurately listening to) a winning mix of soul, beatbox, ambience, and generalised quirkiness. On second song Rise, several stuttering layers slot together to soundtrack progress from the edge of a panic attack to more stable territory; Loveliness uses warm synths and poetic lyrics to ponder those who achieve a measure of success without falling victim to their own egos; and title track Better stands resolute in the face of life’s assorted setbacks, determined to move on into the future. Better also contains this EP’s best hook – simple, direct, and effective – and bodes well for Lu’Ami’s future as a creative force and the brainbox behind The Better Project.
Overall: If every musician on Earth were this creative, it would be an infinitely better place.
What do you think of Better? Subscribe for free to my YouTube channel, leave a comment, and let me know!
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See you in the next video!
Lu’Ami on Facebook and Twitter.
Click here for an interview with Lu’Ami about this EP, and click here for a full review of the launch party for both this EP and The Better Project.