Fifi Rong: Forbidden Desire [The Interview]

Fifi Rong Forbidden Desire EP Review Pledge music cover shot EP Review Interview 2016

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With her new EP Forbidden Desire, future electronic superstar Fifi Rong continues to go from strength to strength. Click here for a review of the full EP, and read on as I chat to Fifi about Forbidden Desire, her creative process, and her biggest project to date…

Your new EP Forbidden Desire is out on April 29. How’re you feeling today?

I’m feeling good thanks – I’m looking forward to hearing how this EP is received!

While you were writing and recording Forbidden Desire, what was your creative process?

The Forbidden Desire EP is basically an outline for a bigger picture, leading into the new album I’m making. These songs came from many demos to go into production.

There was a lot of drama and ups and downs producing and recording the EP, but everything flowed very well in the end. It was a thrilling experience.

What’s your earliest musical memory?

My Mum singing a lullaby to me.

What was the first album you ever bought?

I can’t remember, to be honest. It was too long ago. I’m guessing it was one of the cool Chinese rock records.

How did you initially get inspired to make the kind of music you do?

We know what we like when it comes to sound. I collected all the bits and pieces I like subconsciously, and when I started making music I don’t think about it so much and I just instinctively let it happen.

It’s not a decision for me to do the music I do. I just wanted to express my feelings and thoughts through something.

Lyrically, what are the stories behind each of the songs on Forbidden Desire?

Forbidden Desire: The distance between reality and fantasy of wanting someone.

Holy: It’s one of those songs that describes a mood, my state of being. A music diary. It’s much of a very “me” song.

You Hurt Me: It’s an idea I wanted to develop for a long time, but this time due to an emotional outburst it happened very quickly and smoothly. The story is simply “…you hurt me,” however I use the vocal as one of the instruments, as I see the instrumentals as the leading features in this track.

How do you want to see the world change?

I think many people today are more aware and getting in tune with their true selves. As a civilization we are very young, exciting and fast changing, so I have lots of hope for us to slowly move towards awakening.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received about pursuing a career in music?

That the craft takes time. Don’t rush into anything; always focus on getting the music as good as it can be.

Beyond April 29, what do you have planned for the rest of the year?

I have confirmed shows in Berlin and Shanghai so far, and I’ll be working on the details of my new album and throwing myself into polishing it up. It’s a solo album and I’m doing everything one hundred percent by myself. It’s the longest tunnel I’m getting through alone so far. In the process I have gotten better and stronger.

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See you in the next video!

Posted on 25 April 2016

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