Tiny Moving Parts – ‘Celebrate’ [Review]

Tiny Moving Parts Celebrate Album Review Stream Download 2016 Pop Punk Math Rock Interview Dylan Mattheisen Matthew Chevalier Billy

Too often, punk-inspired music seeks to do little more than recycle the ways of the past. The cookie-cutter pop-punk path has become especially well-worn, with countless bands applying generic formulae to their own music. When a band take a fresh approach to punk, though, greatness results.

Celebrate has given me reason to celebrate. Cheers, Tiny Moving Parts.

Tiny Moving Parts’ songs are freakish but friendly mutants. Like Beast from The X-Men, they’re equally cuddly and ferocious. Light and dark coexist in perfect harmony throughout Celebrate.

Tiny Moving Parts are ultimately all about balance. Opening cuts Good Enough and Happy Birthday map out Tiny Moving Parts’ home territory, walking the tightrope between technique and feel, complexity and accessible songcraft, and bouncy music and dark lyrics. It all adds up to a rich kaleidoscope of colours and emotions, one that gets repeatedly twisted and tested over the course of Celebrate’s ten tunes.

Highlight-wise, it’s all about Common Cold for me. Punchy riffs, emotive words, spin-round-until-you-fall-over-or-puke-or-both rhythms, incredible dynamics, and perfectly timed singalong hooks…Common Cold is completely perfect. As for Celebrate itself, I can guarantee that if you like your music simultaneously challenging and passionate, Tiny Moving Parts have crafted a long-playing winner that you’ll feel was made for you and you alone.

TMMP RATING: 95% (Essential Listening!)

What do you think of Celebrate? Leave a comment, follow me on Twitter, and let me know!

Posted on 14 May 2016

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