Marillion – ‘FEAR (Fuck Everyone And Run)’ [Review]

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The music world traditionally leans to the political left – and as far as those on the left are concerned, the world is presently going to hell in a driverless handcart. I’m inclined to agree with them – and so, on the evidence of new album FEAR, are Marillion.

FEAR (in this case an acronym for Fuck Everyone And Run) is a non-violent protest album. Sonically, it’s lush, vibrant, and often serene. Lyrically, however, Marillion wordsmith Steve Hogarth addresses some conceptually heavy themes with the flair of a veteran poet.

This is progressive rock at its finest – fiercely intelligent, classy, and ambitiously expansive. FEAR encompasses no fewer than three multi-part suites in El Dorado (exploring the corruptive influence of money on the political landscape), The Leavers (an insider’s view of touring’s unsettling side-effects), and The New Kings (20 minutes of top-drawer prog, tackling rampant socioeconomic inequality), as well as a pair of epic-length single tracks in pro-pacifism Muse-meet-The-Beatles offering Living In Fear and the meandering, age-concerned White Paper. Topped off with lilting closer Tomorrow’s New Country, this is one monolithic long-player.

Despite FEAR’s sprawling structure, it doesn’t outstay its welcome. Marillion’s storytelling skills are second to none, FEAR sucking you in like a great novel or captivating cinematic masterpiece. If you like music that takes you places, this album is an almost flawless must-listen.

TMMP RATING: 93% (Essential Listening!)

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See you in the next video!

Marillion official website.

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Posted on 19 September 2016

6 responses to “Marillion – ‘FEAR (Fuck Everyone And Run)’ [Review]”

  1. Rod Amner says:

    You nailed it. Essential. An exquisite, heartfelt album. By a bunch of uncool, old codgers, no less.

  2. Andrew Cole says:

    I’m unashamedly on the right of centre but that doesn’t stop me from absolutely loving this album although it is still in the new and novelty stage having only received it this morning.

    The thing I would point out is that the soundstage and mixing on this album is absolutely top drawer. The Leavers just blows you away with the blending and bursts that make sure that loud parts don’t wash out the quieter sounds.

    Best album since Marbles although too early for me to say whether it is better than Marbles or not.

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