Dorje – ‘Centred And One’ [FULL EP REVIEW]

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Dorje occupy an interesting space within the modern music business. Their popularity is not fuelled by massive corporate marketing budgets, committees of image consultants, or anything remotely mainstream or traditional. Instead, Dorje have collectively harnessed the power of YouTube to get their names out there.
This is the cutting edge of music in 2016.
The key to Dorje’s success is the word collectively. While Dorje frontman Rob Chapman is an online phenomenon in his own right, running a massively successful empire based around the collaboratively-minded Chapman Guitars, Dorje are a band of brothers above all else. Drummer Ben Minal recently founded Musicisum, a unique and Google-endorsed online music education platform featuring courses taught by guitarist Rabea Massaad and (soon) Jedi producer and bassist Dave Hollingworth – and Dorje’s backline also play mind-crippling progressive instrumetal as Toska, as well as possessing their own enviable YouTube presences.
This is not your standard “star and backing band” setup. Not by a long shot.
Although Dorje’s music has never been nice, sweet, or weak, Centred And One sees them explore their dark side with far greater intensity than that present on previous chart-topping EP Catalyst. Together, Catalyst and Centred And One represent two stages in a still-ongoing journey. Think of them like the separate-but-linked halves of an epic film, the first drawing you in, the second hitting you with everything its makers can possibly bring to bear.
From the first moments of Centred And One’s opening title track, it’s clear that Rob Chapman has been working his ass off to evolve an already formidable and idiosyncratic vocal. If Catalyst marked the point at which Rob Chapman learned to really sing, Centred And One marks the birth of his scream. Think the old Chappers crossbred in a secret lab with Devin Townsend, and you’re pretty close.
As I mentioned in my review of Catalyst, Dorje are dangerous for your face. You’re going to be hard pushed to hold back the urge to gurn throughout Centred And One (the song), being as it is a riff monster of doom – and the same goes for Outspoken (where classy dynamics meet one of this EP’s best chorus hooks before giving way to Extreme- and Dillinger Escape Plan-evoking riffage) and To Survive, which brings Alter Bridge’s bluesy side to mind as well as featuring a frantically bestial Chapman guitar solo. From there, we’re on to soul-stirringly cathartic ballad-with-balls Zero and the set-closing Flower Of Life, reminiscent at times of pre-Dorje project ChasinJade and never less than immensely badass.
At this point, Dorje have become so good that it makes almost everyone else look bad. On October 14, those who have waited patiently will be richly rewarded – and beyond that point, if current live newcomer Detritus proves a long-term keeper it looks like Dorje will be heading into still more aggressive territory in the future. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a curious newcomer, be prepared to dig into a feast of meaty awesomeness.
These are seriously exciting times.
TMMP RATING: 100% (Essential Listening!)
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See you in the next video!
Get involved ASAP and pre-order Centred And One via iTunes to immediately receive one-fifth of the total meaty awesomeness on offer, in the form of Flower Of Life.