Josh Farro [Interview]

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Josh Farro knows there’s nothing like a fresh start.

From touring heavily from his mid-teens onward with Paramore to an acrimonious split, eventual civil resolution, and assorted post-Paramore projects all receding in his career’s rear-view mirror, Josh Farro has had a lot to move on from. Still, move on he has – and in the very near future, his next move is sure to have British fans hyped as Farro supports his debut solo album Walkways with a UK tour kicking off at The Waterfront Studio in Norwich and ending at legendary London venue The Borderline…

You’re due to tour the UK starting this Thursday (November 17) – aside from excitement, how’re you feeling right now?

I’m feeling quite a bit of stress. I forgot how much work it is to get a band over to the UK to tour. There are a lot of logistics, but it’s all coming together and going to be a great time for sure.

This is your first time touring the UK as a solo artist – what can the fans expect to experience this time around?

Yes it is. They can expect an epic night with some awesome music! Maybe even a cover of a song by a band from their homeland…

What are your three favourite things about playing live?

1: I love the response from fans. It feels so good to have a positive response to something you’ve worked so hard on.

2: I love the rush and excitement of performing music. There’s nothing else like it!

3: I love to entertain people and give them an experience uniquely based around my music.

You obviously have a lot of onstage experience, but have you ever had an issue with stage fright or nerves? If so, how did / do you get around it?

I have had a little bit of stage fright, but it usually goes away after playing a song or two. For the most part I feel completely natural onstage, so that definitely helps.

What’s the oddest thing you’ve ever had happen during one of your live sets, either solo or with Paramore?

When I was in Paramore, we got onstage one day and broke into one of our heavier songs right away. I started to headbang and had one of those excruciating pains shoot through my neck.

It hurt so bad it made my tongue numb and tingly-feeling [laughs]! All I could do was stand still while trying to play my guitar part.

If money were no object, what would your stage show look like?

Cool question! That’s a tough one because I feel like without limitations I could really come up with something epic – it would just take me a long time! My initial thought is that it would be a very modern clean look with walls and walls of lights…

What are your pre-gig rituals?

I always do a vocal warmup and even sing through some choruses of my songs to get my voice and mind in a groove. I may also do some jumping jacks to get my blood pumped and get super amped!

You’ve travelled across the globe – how would you like to see the world change?

I want world peace. Just kidding [laughs].

For real, I would like to see mankind find common ground no matter where you come from. I feel like we all are too quick to judge instead of loving and accepting people. It would make the world a better place if we were just kind to everyone.

Beyond this UK tour, what’s exciting you about the future?

The fact that I’m writing music and performing again! I feel so fortunate to be able to do this for a living. I have some new songs that I am so excited to share, and I can’t wait to grow alongside my fans during this journey.

Thanks for taking the time to do this – much appreciated!

Thank you as well!

What did you think of this interview? Follow me on Twitter here, and let me know!

Posted on 14 November 2016

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