Beardyman And The Dream Team – ‘Day By Day’ [Review]

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Leave all thoughts of Beardyman and the Dream Team aside for a second, and visualise instead a steaming, stinking shit sandwich. Picture it plopping onto your breakfast plate, unwanted, unloved and unlovable. Had the person who birthed that turd known what was coming, he’d have held it in out of pure terror and shame before scuttling away to quietly top himself.
That’s how all sane humans feel about 2016. Piss on your cornflakes, diarrhoea on toast – a helping of either would be preferable to reliving that year again. Let’s just not even go there.
With a new year of fresh horrors ahead of us, we have no choice but to take things day by day. Beardyman and the Dream Team’s latest trio of tracks, then, are not only headed by a tune tuned perfectly to the present moment and the zeitgeist and so forth. They’re also what we need to achieve some calm in these troubled times.
For the uninitiated, Beardyman’s Dream Team have been a unit for the last couple of years. Blending rap, jazz, electronica, soul, funk, and hip-hop into an intimidating tirade of tunes with a unique set of idiosyncrasies, the Dream Team have thus far dealt out live sets of entirely improvised songs. Their primary source of inspiration? A bucket filled with potential titles by the evening’s most daring and creative punters.
For 2017, Beardyman and the Dream Team (completed for this EP by MCs Dizraeli and LeeN, cellist Rob Lewis, world-renowned turntablist JFB, and famed session drummer Emre Ramazanoglu) are pushing their self-set bar to its loftiest heights yet, setting their sights on a full-on studio album. As a tasty teaser for what is yet to come, Day By Day acts as a super-effective ear-lube, greasing and gifting your ear canals with some smooth, slinky late-evening vibes.
Prepare for funky meditations on life’s firsts (Day By Day); poetic dissections of cold-hearted power dressing (Black Shoes); and fast-paced empowerment (Just For A Day). Keep your ears open, and your mind relaxed. Just enjoy.
The world needs more music like this.
TMMP RATING: 100% (Essential Listening!)
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See you in the next video!
Beardyman and the Dream Team are also playing at Camden’s Electric Ballroom on January 20; click here for more info.