From Ashes To New – ‘The Future’ (Album Review)

From Ashes To New The Future Review Album Review Crazy Wake Up My Name Gone Forever Broken Forgotten Enemy Nowhere To Run Let Go On My Own Day One Downfall Has It Leaked Interview Guitar Guitarist Vocalist Vocals Drummer Drums Bass Bassist Feature New Album EP Single Review CD Concert Gig Tickets to Download Stream Live Show Torrent Music Musician Record Label Update Facebook YouTube channel Twitter VEVO Spotify iTunes Apple Music Instagram Snapchat Band Logo Cover Art Bandcamp Soundcloud Release Date Digital Cover Art Artwork Split Why Did Break Up New Final Last Latest News Update merch shop buy rar release date songs track listing preview lyrics mp3 Wikipedia wiki bio biography discography gear tuning rig setup equipment official website poster kerrang rock sound q mojo team rock metal hammer NME t shirt hoodie hoody cap hat tab video vinyl wallpaper zip

From Ashes To New have a storied history strewn with lineup changes – and their latest creative move sees them come extremely close to Linkin Park territory. There’s a strong focus on accessible riffs with an occasional hint of djent-related guitar tones, setting From Ashes To New apart from the nu-metal legends – but that comparison is unavoidable from early tracks Wake Up and Crazy onwards.

The Future is a decent album, sure to get plenty of younger listeners set on the path to heavier things. It’s a classic gateway album, one that certainly has its place in the metal world. Personally, having been around for the first emergence of nu-metal and moved on from its angsty ruminations, this album initially appealed to me in a nostalgic sense.

Unfortunately, after the first few songs, disappointment set in.

When The Future firmly moves out of the twin shadows of Mike Shinoda and Chester Bennington, From Ashes To New become difficult to distinguish from the rest of the current crop of alternative bands aiming to take over the radio. This album can’t be faulted in terms of musicianship, but it’s so heavily produced that every rough edge has ended up sanded down. There’s obviously aggression and attitude, but the end result is the sound of a band trapped in a digital cage, when it deserves to be let loose.

In a live environment, this set of songs will work – but on record, they feel too safe. Especially considering the issues that clearly lie behind every lyric, The Future is overall incongruent, overpolished, and needlessly watered down.


Pre-order The Future (out April 20) on iTunes.

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Posted on 18 April 2018

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